Sunday, October 10, 2010

Voice of Lakewood Article

First and foremost we have to say Rabbi Kotler is way out of touch with the public in Lakewood. both people learning in Kollel and also those who have left the Bais Medrash full time.

We have to give him credit for defending himself. however the man clearly does not smell the coffee

#1 from the article we see he personally does not give a flip that people are suffering from high taxes he just answers it like I hear people out there are concerned by a high tax burden he clearly does not think this is a priority he is not even sympathetic to the hard working baal habos or kollel man who owns a home and is struggling to pay his bills and buy food, clothes, and pay tuition and at the same time has to pay for others day care, support a culture of corruption and general government mismanagement.

Rabbi Kotler is so busy defending himself that he does not bother to answer peoples concerns
he brushes aside all attempts to address the real issues. Well this will not work I thought some meager posturing on the issues was do. Well I'm very disappointed shame on him for not even beginning to address the Tziburs now very vocal complaints

1 comment:

  1. you can check out the full interview at herschel hershkowitz is blog at
